Forest Raised DUROC Pork

Premium pork that won’t break the bank!

Why forest raised pork?

Forest raised pork comes from pigs raised the way God intended. Pigs are designed for grazing and rooting, built sturdy and tough, able to handle rough terrain. Their natural instincts allow for a harmonious and symbiotic relationship on the farm. Our forest raised pigs are moved throughout our pasture and woods, in small groups, right up until harvest. They’re not only a food source, but also important members of the farm team, working daily to turn over soil, decrease pest pressure, fertilize, and clear underbrush.

Our pigs enjoy a life filled with sunshine, fresh air, rainwater, trees, grass, roots, mud and bugs. They live, sleep, and play together in small herds, which is incredibly important for social animals like pigs. In addition to all the goodies our pigs eat daily while rooting & grazing, they’re supplemented with Organic, Non-GMO, Soy-Free feed, and our own farm raised, Certified Naturally Grown produce.

Pigs raised at Heavenly Acres for meat are never vaccinated or treated with antibiotics. Our breeding stock (Wilbur, Merlot, Malbec, and Bertha) are only vaccinated during breeding for Lepto / Parvo, which is vital to their reproductive health, as they’re raised in the wild and exposed to scat from many types of animals. If breeding stock are not vaccinated, they run a high risk of becoming sterile and aborting litters. Organic farming standards, as well as Certified Naturally Grown standards, strongly encourage vaccinations for the health of breeding livestock.

The Details:

  • Our current litter of piglets are Duroc / Berkshire x Yorkshire, having bred our Duroc / Berkshire sow to our Yorkshire boar.

    Whole and half shares are NOW AVAILABLE but sell quickly. Our last litter was reserved within one week and this litter is already filling fast.

    If you would like to be on our waiting list for pigs (whole or half hog shares) please email us at

  • We sell our pigs as live animals. Once the pig is butchering weight we take them to the processor for our customers.

    Our customers purchase either a whole live animal or a half share in a live animal. Our customers choose how to have their animal butchered down and pay the processor directly for that service.

    We do not currently sell feeder pigs or breeding stock.

  • Each half hog share requires a non-refundable deposit of $225 in order to reserve. Your deposit will go towards your final / total cost.

    The final price will be based on $4.85 per pound LIVE weight, of which the balance will be owed to us upon processing.

    In addition to the price per pound LIVE weight, you will be responsible for processing charges. Processing charges will vary based on your selections and will be owed by you directly to the processor.

    Each half / whole hog share will be provided with a cut sheet prior to processing so that you can choose how you would like your pig broken down. Final processing costs will depend on individual selections.

    Whole pig LIVE weights can range from 200 to 300 pounds. We do our best to keep the pigs around 200 - 250 pounds.

    Included in the cost are the following services:

    • Daily organic, non-GMO, soy-free feed. Feed can also be supplemented with our own, farm raised Certified Naturally Grown produce and eggs.

    • Daily care of your animal using organic practices and sustainable methods.

    • Scheduling of processing dates.

    • Transportation of your animal to the processor for you.

  • Our two Durocs, Merlot and Malbec, came from Old Line Durocs raised and bred by Cliff Davis out of Summertown, TN. Cliff trained for many years under a master Old Line Duroc breeder and we’re lucky enough to have started our breeding program with two of his gilts. Duroc meat is prized for its quality due to superior marbling from intramuscular fat which creates a juicier, more tender pork. Duroc pork is also darker in color, having a reddish, almost beef-like appearance.

    Bertha is our Duroc / Berkshire who was farrowed by Merlot. Bertha was born and raised on our farm and is a beautiful specimen of a pig. She has already farrowed her maiden litter, which are the pig shares currently available. Her litter is healthy, strong, and stocky.

    Our customers from our first round of pigs said that our pork was the absolute best tasting pork they’ve ever had. We know that you will not be disappointed!

Update on our current litter:

Our pigs are raised on our wooded acreage at our farm in McMinnville, TN. The pig shares currently available were born on July 18th, 2024. For the first month of their lives they have access to a clean, dry, sheltered pole barn. The barn is enclosed on 3 sides and open on the front side, allowing for fresh air, acclimation to the elements, and exposure to sunlight, while still providing the needed shelter during inclement weather. After they’re a month old we move the piglets and mama into a wooded paddock with moveable shelter.

During the first month after farrowing, while mama and babes are in the barn, they also have free access day and night to the outdoors. Off the front of our barn we install a moveable, electric-net fence. This fence wraps around the side and back of the barn providing mama and babes access to dirt (mud), grass, and open, uncovered outdoors space. Having free access to both indoor and outdoor conditions allow mama and babes to thrive during the first month of the piglets lives and maintain natural habits. Our mama and piglets are able to express their pig-ness by foraging, rooting around, wallowing, bedding down in shade, and playing. They can lay in the sun and enjoy the rain if they want to!

All of the animals we sell are raised here on our farm and supplemented with feed from Kentucky Organics Farm & Feed. Our pig feed is Organic, Non-GMO, and Soy-Free. Our piglets are never dewormed, never vaccinated, and never given antibiotics.

Bertha farrowed exceptionally well and without incident. Bertha received no antibiotics or medications of any type before, during, or after farrowing. Bertha’s milk supply has been high since farrowing, and she is still nursing all 9 piglets. The piglets will be naturally weaned from her around 9 weeks of age. By 9 weeks mama is ready to be finished with nursing and the piglets’ nutritional requirements will have them primarily foraging and eating feed, nursing minimally. At 2 weeks old the piglets were already foraging and eating nibbles of mama’s food.

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