Homemade Mayonnaise

Homemade Mayonnaise is so simple to make, more nutrient dense than store-bought, and tastes incredible! It takes less than 10 minutes to make and I promise you, once you’ve tasted homemade mayo, you’ll be converted for life.

Add the first list of ingredients below to a quart sized mason jar. I use an immersion blender and blend right in the jar. 

Add to the jar:

  • 2 room temperature eggs. If you have your own freshly laid chicken eggs, or some from a local farm / farmers market, those would be best but you can always use store bought!

  • 1 tbsp vinegar. I use either apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar (preferred).

  • 1 tbsp mustard of choice. I usually use stone ground. This ingredient is what makes the mayo tangy. Start small and adjust to your preference. You can use more or less than 1 tbsp. I wouldn’t use more than 2 tbsp though.

  • Salt to taste. Start with 1/2 tsp. Once the mayo is done, taste it, then add more salt if desired.

Blend the above ingredients with immersion blender until combined. Once combined begin to slowly add the oil (oil details below). I add a few tbsp at a time by pouring it down the stick of my immersion blender into the jar and blending at the same time. Continue adding and blending until the mixture begins to thicken.  A lot of recipes say you need to add the oil painfully slow or else the mayo will end up separating. I’ve honestly never had this problem. I also find my mayo doesn’t start to thicken until I’ve added at least 1/4 of the total oil. 

  • 2 cups of a NEUTRAL-tasting, liquid oil. We use organic Canola. Another good option is Safflower Oil. Do NOT use Olive Oil or Coconut Oil. Olive oil is very strongly flavored and the mayo will turn out awful. Coconut Oil will solidify.

Once you’ve added and blended all of the oil and your homemade mayo is nice and thick, taste it! Add more salt if desired. Add more mustard if desired. Place a lid on your jar, set in the fridge, and ENJOY!!!


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