Loaded Potato Salad

The other night Jose smoked one of our pastured chickens for dinner so I came up with this potato salad recipe as our side dish and let me tell you, it is so darn delicious! Jose said it’s the absolute best potato salad he’s ever had. We hope y’all enjoy this recipe as much as we do. If you try it out, please leave a comment below!

You’ll notice that there are no measurements listed, just ingredients. I almost never measure out ingredients, especially if I’m creating the recipe myself, like I did here. Use your best judgement, make as little or as much as you want, salt to taste, and use as much mayonnaise as you desire to get the moisture and creaminess you prefer. It’s not that serious friends, it’s just some darn good potato salad!

  • Red potatoes

  • Bacon

  • Smoked eggs

  • Pickled peppers (homemade, recipe linked here)

  • Redmonds salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Paprika

  • Mayonnaise (homemade, recipe linked here)

  1. Boil potatoes - small ones I boil whole, large ones I cut into smaller pieces. Boil potatoes until they are soft, but not mushy. You want to be able to cut & mix them together with the other ingredients without having them mash. Once cooled cut the potatoes into smaller, bite-sized chunks. Add boiled and cut potatoes to a large bowl.

  2. Bake bacon in the oven on a sheet pan until your desired crispness. Remove from the oven and place on paper towels to cool and drain some of the oil off. You can take the oil from the sheet pan and put it into a jar for future cooking needs.😉 Once cooled, chop the bacon into small pieces, add to the bowl.

  3. Add a generous amount of mayonnaise to the bowl and mix. Add enough mayonnaise until you have the desired creaminess you prefer. If you have the time to make and use homemade mayonnaise in this recipe it makes a huge difference. Recipe HERE.

  4. Chop a large handful of pickled peppers, or pickles, and add to the bowl. For the pickled peppers, I chop them and then grab the chopped pieces and squeeze out the excess liquid before adding to the bowl. You can also omit this ingredient but I do think it adds another level of flavor and texture to the potato salad.

  5. Mix all ingredients in the bowl gently to combine.

  6. Add salt, pepper, and paprika to taste. Mix again. At this point I pop the bowl into the fridge while the eggs are smoking.

  7. Once the egg are done, whether smoked or hard boiled, cool them in an ice bath and then peel. Chop the eggs into small chunks and add to the bowl. Gently combine. (We smoked our eggs for just under 2 hours at 250 degrees.)

  8. Recheck the mayo and seasoning levels. Mix again if you’ve added more, and VOILÀ!

We used our own, homegrown potatoes, freshly laid chicken eggs, homegrown and home-pickled peppers, and homemade mayo. The fresher your ingredients, the tastier and more nutrient dense your food is. If you can’t grow your own food, or simply have no desire, you can still source out fresh, locally grown food via your local farmers market, or even by contacting local farmers. We encourage each of you to bring the food you eat closer to home whenever possible. It makes a world of difference!


Homemade Mayonnaise


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