Roasted Radishes w/ Brown Butter, Chile & Honey

We LOVE radishes.

Raw and eaten like an apple, sliced on salads, or roasted in the oven. The only time we have not enjoyed a radish was when Nicole tried to ferment them.
This recipe is simple and hits so many flavor profiles. Sweet, spicy, sour, salty. We just grew a plethora of both french breakfast and sparkler radishes, which were both perfect for this recipe.

Give it a try and let us know what you think!

Please note, this is NOT our recipe. This recipe comes from the cookbook, Six Seasons: A New Way With Vegetables.


  • Extra-virgin olive oil

  • 2 bunches radishes, with or without the greens

  • Salt & pepper

  • Chile flakes

  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter

  • 2 Tbsp red wine vinegar

  • 2 Tbsp honey


  1. Heat your oven to 375 degrees F.

  2. Cut off the greens, rinse in cold water, place in a container or bag, and put in the fridge. You can use the greens in the recipe, and sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. You decide. If we don’t use them, I save them for use in another recipe.

  3. Add olive oil to a cast iron pan and heat over medium-high heat. Place radishes in the pan whole, or cut in half with the slice-side down. Cook until lightly browned, toss around to ensure all sides are coated with oil, and then transfer to the oven.

  4. Roast until the radishes are slightly browned and starting to get tender. At this point you can add in the radish greens and continue roasting until full tender and the greens have wilted.

  5. Remove from the oven and set on the stove over low heat. Season with salt, black pepper, and chile flakes to taste.

  6. Add butter to the pan and cook until the butter has melted and is starting to get golden brown and smells nutty.

  7. Add vinegar & honey to the pan and toss to combine. This is where you want to taste the dish and adjust any flavors until you’re satisfied.

  8. Enjoy!


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